Prioritise Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) with Visual AI
Avoid Workplace Injuries Prevent Loss of Life Create a Safer Factory
As a responsible manufacturer, you are looking for better, non-invasive ways to make your factories safe and productive. Ensure your workers are optimally protected with a seamless combination of existing camera systems and visual AI.

The Cost of Poor Workplace Health and Safety (WHS)
37 Million
Global number of non-fatal occupational accidents each year (UN)
2.78 Million
Annual deaths globally due to workplace accidents and illnesses (UN)
WHS Incidents
Are a Persistent Risk
The harsh reality is that WHS incidents are a persistent risk in any manufacturing facility.
As a responsible manufacturer, you unfortunately need to account for your workers’ unexpected behaviours and non-compliance to security standards. This is particularly true for vehicle incidents, which constitute a large proportion of workplace safety events.
Let’s assume you could instantly eliminate WHS incidents in an economy like Australia. Besides the lives saved and injuries prevented, the economy would be 28.6 billion AUD larger (Safework Australia)!
This incentive means that maintaining excellent workplace health and safety is good for business.
Issues with Current Safety Reporting
On average, a significant number of accidents are not reported when you have people reporting manually. This is often due to:
- Inconsistent data capturing from one individual to another
- Capture bias, especially if employees are well acquainted
On the automated reporting side, Internet of Things (IoT) sensors do introduce a greater degree of accuracy, but it’s sometimes difficult to extract context from the data they provide.
Monitoring Factory Safety Effectively
Most manufacturing companies have cameras with real time streaming, and you can use this existing infrastructure to kick start AI-powered WHS monitoring.
We take your cameras, hook them up to AI and machine learning tools, and we give you visual safety intelligence to act on. Our camera adapter plugs into your network, and we start pulling in safety-critical information that’s analysed by our visionAI engine.
Thanks to the highly visual nature of this solution, you get immediate, actionable safety insights on a user-friendly dashboard that’s adapted for use on production lines.
visual AI
New Insights
Unlock Visual Safety Intelligence Today!
Reach out to our team for a proof of value on your facility. This commitment-free approach ensures you get a full picture of the current state of your factory’s WHS and enables you to make the best possible technology choices for your business.
How visionAI is helping manufacturers
Explore our use cases to see how computer vision is empowering manufacturing businesses like yours.
Detecting and alerting food manufacturing defects
Quality control for bread manufacturing
Enhancing workstation time monitoring for improved productivity and compliance
Stamping out cross-contamination in food manufacturing
Harness the power of visionTrack today!
Contact our experts today and set your business on the path to higher performance and efficiency. Make the smart move with visionTRACK!